My Name Is Martin Muruthi

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What I Do

I like thinking about stuff, designing them on paper then coding them into meaningful products

Fun Facts about me 😜

I have a degree in actuarial science, which gives me a strong mathematical and analytical foundation

I love technology and I have always had a big interest in software engineering and data science. Coding helps me think and enables me reimagine my creativity.

Top skills

Besides data science, I have been focussing on web applications development with Django and React:Download Resume

  • Python
  • Django
  • Javascript
  • Postgress
  • React
  • Tensor Flow
  • Keras
  • Jupiter Notebooks

My Recent Projects

CS50 finance app with Flask

This is a cool app that lets users "buy" and "sell" stock. The project utilizes MVC design system, API's and SQL.

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Polls App with Django.

This is a cool beginner Django app that seeks to demonstate core concepts in django. The project utilizes the MVC design system and has some bootstrap too.

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Color Game with Javascript.

This is an interesting game that seeks to demonstrate the power on Javascript in manipulating the DOM as well as utilizing core concepts in ES6.

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